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Teeth Whitening - Myrtle Beach, SC

Enjoy The Brighter Smile You Deserve

Smiling man and woman outdoors

One of the quickest and most affordable ways to upgrade your smile is to get professional teeth whitening. Just a few weeks of using a LUMIBrite® Take-Home kit from Dr. Jack Markusen of can improve your life in several ways.

Because the best way to get a gorgeous, natural smile is through customized care, we will create personalized teeth whitening trays designed for your unique smile. You will receive teeth whitening gel and clear instructions to complete your treatment in the comfort of your own home. We’ll be here to answer any questions you have along the way and to measure your progress!

Why Choose for Teeth Whitening?

  • Safe, Effective Whitening Results With LUMIBrite® Products
  • Comfortable & Modern Dental Office Space
  • Protection For Gum Tissue & Minimal Sensitivity

Get The Most Bang For Your Buck

Woman receiving in-office teeth whitening

Because professional-grade teeth whitening products can cost more, you may be tempted to try drugstore whitening kits or even home remedies for whitening teeth. But all you’ll get in return are wasted money and possibly a sore mouth!

The value of brightening your smile through our dental office is in the customization and strength of our process. You can expect a number of advantages:

  • Quicker, more dramatic results due to a higher concentration of bleaching ingredients
  • Consistent color across your entire smile because of the meticulous fit of your custom whitening trays
  • Protection for your gum tissue, which can be damaged by imprecise application of bleaching agents
  • Defense against tooth sensitivity, which can develop from treatments that are not customized to your smile’s needs
  • A reliable outcome based on Dr. Markusen’s experience and expertise
  • Natural-looking results that complement your skin tone and facial features

Teeth Whitening FAQs

A young woman smiling

When contemplating how best to whiten your smile, it is likely you are considering some of those over-the-counter products. Instead of wasting your money on false promises that don’t deliver high-quality results, Dr. Markusen and his team have compiled some frequently asked questions about teeth whitening that might just have you more inclined to see a professional to achieve a brighter, whiter smile. If you have any additional questions, please contact our office.

Why is it better to see a dentist instead of whitening your teeth at home?

There are a few reasons why professional in-house teeth whitening is a better option than any of those store-bought kits. Some of these include:

  • A safer, more effective whitening experience
  • Professional-grade bleaching gel is used
  • Results are achieved in about an hour
  • You don’t have to worry about harming your soft oral tissues

How often will a touch-up be necessary?

Unfortunately, teeth whitening is not a permanent fix, so touch-ups will be required if you want to make your results last longer. Since so many items pass by your teeth and gums every day, you might begin to notice that your teeth are less bright after only one month; however, depending on how well you take care of your teeth and avoid stain-causing foods and beverages, you might not need a touch-up for 6 months or even a year!

What can you do to keep your smile brighter and whiter?

Since in-house teeth whitening is an investment in your time and money, you’ll want to do everything you can to keep your smile looking its best. Some useful tips to consider include:

  • Maintain a good oral hygiene routine by brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing at least once a day to remove harmful bacteria. Whitening toothpaste can help to remove any surface stains.
  • Brush or rinse your mouth after eating or drink something that could cause staining to your teeth
  • Avoid consuming too many dark-colored or stain-causing foods and beverages. Should you decide to drink a soda or coffee, try using a straw to reduce the amount of exposure the liquid has on your teeth.
  • Keep your regular dental checkup and cleaning appointments.
  • Don’t be afraid to have a touch-up treatment, if necessary.

Will my insurance cover the cost of in-house teeth whitening?

Most dental insurance companies will not cover the cost of teeth whitening, so if you’re struggling to find a way to pay for a brighter, whiter smile, talk to your dentist about payment options through a third-party financier. It may be possible to set up a payment plan to pay for your teeth whitening procedure.


Call to schedule your teeth whitening consultation today.